
Open Call for feature film "Third on a Match" in South Carolina

Natural Wonders Productions has announced an open call for extras to work on the film "Third on a Match" in Ninety Six, South Carolina.


1938 Graduation Dance Scene for independent feature film, Third On A Match,

"Third on a Match" is a World War II era love story to be released in fall 2009.


18 – 26 Year Old Caucasian Males and Females


Sunday, May 10th, 2009


Ninety Six Depot, Main Street, Ninety Six, S.C. 29666 (across from Fire Station)


6:00 p.m.

No more extras will be accepted after 7:15 p.m.

(They will begin filming promptly at nightfall and take several hours so be prepared to stay if necessary to finish scenes)


Come dressed in 1930’s style clothing and hair styles if possible (google this if you’re not sure). They have some wardrobe but it will be first come - first serve so you might not get your size, etc.


Skirts and blouses or dresses of that era and shoes or pumps. A lot of these styles are popular now. Pearls and pearl earrings were popular then. Hairstyles should be of that era, but may be touched-up by on-set stylist if time permits. Dark (mostly reds) lipstick and nail polish were popular. You may wear your own make-up as usual with the exception of making sure your lipstick and your nails are dark-colored (more reds - not black or gothic) or plain. No glitter anything. You may get powdered. If you have your own, bring it.


Pleated dress pants, preferably, khaki or dark-colored, with belts, gatsby hats are great, button-up shirts, long or short-sleeve (no wild patterns), plain dress shoes – no sneakers or loafers. No jacket necessary unless you have a 30’s era one that would work. Bring your comb in case we need to slightly style your hair for the scene.

There will be a live swing band and other dancers on set. You don’t need swing dance experience to do this, although you may be paired up with someone to be in the dance scene. Bring a partner if you have someone that would like to do this with you.

This is a non-pay production, however, you will receive credit in the film, meet fantastic people, and have a great time with a great production team, as well as have a nice addition to your portfolio/resume.

For more information, e-mail: